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Ernie has and Audio book in Brazilian Portuguese entitled, “A Divine Revelation That is Going to Change your life!” Soon to be released in English.

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As you can see I'm not a young man. I have no qualifications for God to use me as he does. He has made it possible for me to minister in hundreds of churches before thousands of people all over the world for His Glory. I’m not playing any games. The only thing I am doing is glorifying the Lord for His greatness in my life as he said I would do. I teach and preach the, “only believe” message. I’m not trying to change your church into another Denomination nor teach people how to live.  I don’t try to replace the Pastor nor assume his role. I want to see people saved, healed, delivered, and set free and that comes about if we will believe. I believe that is why God has called me to preach the only believe message to the world.


I believe God delights in doing what men call impossible for His children. The Lord taught me that He could. Then He demonstrated that He would if we would only believe!


I am not a healer; Jesus is the healer! It is all by his Wonderful Amazing Grace. I give Him all praise, glory and honor. He is the miracle worker!  I have seen God heal many conditions in the prayer lines. The deaf hear, the blind see, the lame walk, tumors dissipate as God's people believe. He will do the same in your Church if you and your people will only believe.


I’m not a big time anything. I’m just a man who has been called of God doing what He has ordained to do; a man who is comfortable speaking before ten people or a thousand. I go anywhere God takes me!


I am your servant brother in Christ Jesus,
Ernie Meadows, USA

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