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Ernie has and Audio book in Brazilian Portuguese entitled, “A Divine Revelation That is Going to Change your life!” Soon to be released in English.

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      Jesus loves you



Ernie Meadows is a man of faith who has dedicated the rest of his life to bringing glory to the Lord, to minister in as many countries as possible before the Lord calls him home, to see God’s people saved, healed delivered, and set free! God has made it possible for Ernie to do just that in 47 of the 50 USA States. As well as many countries of the world. Last year, 2013, the Lord took Ernie around the world.


Ernie brings glory to the Lord by sharing his in-depth, miraculous, inspiring, faith building, personal testimony. Bringing and explaining the word of God in a way all who hear can understand. Some even wonder why they didn’t grasp God’s simple truth years before.


Then as the Lord leads, Ernie prays for people. Those who believe are healed! Jesus said, 'only believe, all things are possible to the one who believes' in Mark 9:23. Mark 5:36 he said unto Jairus, a leader of the synagogue, 'be not afraid, only believe'. Jesus also said, 'With men this is impossible but with God all things are possible' (Matthew 19:26,Mark 10:27).


Some may find this hard to believe, but it isn’t about me nor is it about you. It’s all about Jesus! It’s not about what we have done or can do. It is about Him and what he has already done! The price for your healing was paid over 2,000 years ago. It is a done deal!


What good act did you perform that made you worthy to be saved? What great act are you going to perform that is going to keep you saved? The answer to both of these questions is NOTHING! The bible tells us in Ephesians 2:8 'For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God'. Verse 9 tells us, 'Not of works, least any person should boast!'


Have you heard the expression 'They don’t deserve that'? What we deserve is death and a devil's hell. Instead we have been given the Grace of God, by the Grace of God. Which comes from the God of Grace! I pray for Grace and never justice! It is always by the Grace of God and never from our worthiness! All because of what Jesus began on that dark Friday and what He completed by rising from the dead on resurrection day, as he walked forth from that tomb victorious over Death, Hell and the Grave!


The same is true with our healing. Jesus purchased our healing with the stripes upon His back. We can do nothing except only believe, and we will see miracles happen in our lives!

Canton, North Carolina

Canton, North Carolina

Ernie in front of the Church.

 Rehab House Teresina, Piaui, Brazil

Rehab House Teresina, Piaui, Brazil

I always try to speak in Drug rehab houses every time I go to Brazil. The men love my testimony which brings hope to their lives!

Brazil May and June 2013

Brazil May and June 2013

One of the hundreds of Churches God has made it possible for me to minister in.

Teresina, Brazil  2013, oct.

Teresina, Brazil 2013, oct.

On the radio with my dear friend, brother, and translator Raimundo Sousa, better know to me as Ray! Thanks Bro!

Africa April, 2013

Africa April, 2013

Here is the mission group I shared with in Kenya Africa.

 Sharing AOG convention Teresina Bra

Sharing AOG convention Teresina Bra

Sharing before the missions Assembly of God Pastors at the Piaui, State convention, in Teresina, Brazil.

A United Methodist Church.

A United Methodist Church.

Here we are with the Pastor where we shared in Teresina at a United Methodist Church.

Brazil May and June 2013 in Brazil.

Brazil May and June 2013 in Brazil.

I prayed for this beautiful young lady and God healed her of a heart condition! Praise the wonderful name of Jesus!

Kenya Africa!

Kenya Africa!

Praying for a brother in Marila Kenya Africa!

Brazil 2013,

Brazil 2013,

With my dear friend Luca Martini. A very dear friend, brother, and Translator.

Acre Brazil.

Acre Brazil.

This is a brother we prayed for who was blind in one eye and God restore vision to his eye.

2013, Brazil another churh

2013, Brazil another churh

Another Church in Brazil.

New Zealand.

New Zealand.

The poster says it all

Brazil with Luca

Brazil with Luca

In the prayer line as people are healed.

With Luca

With Luca

One more Church.

Another Church

Another Church

With Luca another Church another prayer line.

Uganda, Africa.

Uganda, Africa.

With the Pastor and his family!

Rio Brazil

Rio Brazil

A famous site in Rio de Janeiro, Braqzil

Luca and I

Luca and I

In brazil.

Teresina, Brazil

Teresina, Brazil

Another prayer line in another Church

Ernie in New Zealand

Ernie in New Zealand

A 90 year old man whom the doctors said had bone cancer we prayed with him and the bone scan the next day showed no cancer. Praise the Lord.

Brazil May and June 2013 011.JPG

Brazil May and June 2013 011.JPG

Teresina Brazil

Teresina Brazil

God heal a soccer player here who said he couldn't run anymore he hurt to bad. After prayer he ran from one end of the church to the other with no pain! Thank you Jesus!

Brazil May Brazil

Brazil May Brazil

Another Church God gave me the honor of ministering in!

Teresina, Brazil

Teresina, Brazil

Another blessing of God in another church.

Teresina, Brazil

Teresina, Brazil

These are the Pastor I shared before at the State convention in Teresina, Brazil.



One more Church and another blessing.



Teresina and Rio de Janeiro 2013, octuber 074.JPG

Teresina and Rio de Janeiro 2013, octuber 074.JPG

Panama City, Panama

Panama City, Panama

I had a flight delay here. It is a very beautiful city.



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